
Sound can guide you to Silence -

to your own essence

Together with Keith Duke, a dear friend of mine from England,
I recorded the CD Love & Light in the end of 2006.

It is a mixture of spiritual music, meditative music and english songs.
Text are written in Englisch and Sanskrit - Mantras.
The song "Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhanvantu" is written in five languages
(Sanskrit, English, French, German and Spanish)
The whole CD is 45 minutes long.

The following links lead to short samples.

  1. Gratitude
  2. Jay Ma
  3. Be in your heart
  4. Let go
  5. Sri Guru Sharanam
  6. Help me
  7. Freedom
  8. Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
  9. Let's be special together
  10. Why am I afraid
  11. Got nothing to say

Voice, texts and guitar by Anushree Krementz

Flute, drone, harmonium, medicine drum and chinese gongs by Keith Duke

2009 I recorded the CD Journey of the Heart in Munich

Samples and cover will follow soon.

Each CD costs 10,-Euros

If you would like to purcase a CD, you are most welcome to email or call me.

Anushree's Musik

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

"May all my songs open the hearts of the listeners to their inner love and peace!"

Love and Light

Anushree Krementz


    last update 2010-05-07

Copyright © 2004 Anushree Krementz / Love and Light